Wuthering Heights – the sequal!

Oh dear! Once again the course of true love has not run smooth. Heathcliffe has been sidelined in favour of Edgar Linton, and as a result the former has hit the vodka bottle: five nights on the trot! He has been ably assisted in his attempts at self-medicated anaesthesia by his older brother on leave from active service in the British Army. Both have good cause to want to eradicate many of their experiences, thoughts and feelings right now and they seem to be doing so admirably. There does, however seem little justice in the fact that having consumed several litres of the white stuff, there appears to be no hangover in sight. There is also scant evidence of any work being done. “Heathcliffe” is in the Centre this morning (during the half term holiday, no less) to participate in a GCSE Maths revision session however it seems as if now that one and one no longer make two, he’s lost all interest in mathematical constructs.  He has, none the less had a revelation, has come to a new understanding of his place in the world and particularly within the Centre. He told us this morning that he was “special”. We’ve only being trying to tell him that since last September!

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